Your Wisdom Tooth Doesn’t Hurt, Why Remove it Anyway?

man at the dental clinic

Some people start to have their last set of molars sometime between the ages of 17 to 21. Experts cite that the diet of early people consisted of nuts, meat, roots, and leaves made the wisdom teeth essential for grinding and softening food before digestion. However, the evolution of people and technology made it easier to cook and soften food. Despite these, a study revealed that just over 50% of people would have at least one wisdom tooth emerge.

In some cases, a person’s wisdom teeth don’t appear at all, but an x-ray will reveal an impacted tooth. Wisdom tooth regardless if it’s visible or not may cause problems. Ask your dentist about oral surgery and see if you have the following conditions that would require wisdom teeth removal.

Damage to Teeth

An impacted wisdom tooth or even visible ones may damage other teeth. This happens because the additional set of molars pushes the surrounding teeth resulting in pain and even problems with your bite. This persistent pain is bothersome to many, which is why people consider having their wisdom teeth removed.

Misaligned Teeth

For those concerned with how their smile will look, a wisdom tooth may cause misalignment. Wisdom teeth crowd the others and push them toward different directions. Other than a tooth extraction, a person with this problem will also have to get straightening treatment.

Damage to the Jaw

dentist and patientCyst formation is possible because of the emergence of wisdom teeth. These cysts can cause jaw hollowing and damage surrounding nerves. This can result in more dental problems and persistent pain that can negatively affect a person’s daily routine.

Gum Inflammation

The eruption of wisdom teeth may cause gum inflammation because of the swelling tissue. The inflamed area will be difficult to clean and may cause some pain. Hard to clean gums may result in other dental problems such as sores and cavity accumulation.

Cavity Accumulation

Swelling gums caused by the emergence of wisdom teeth create pockets of space surrounding the other teeth. This allows bacteria to grow and lets cavities accumulate.

Problems with the Sinus

Some people say wisdom teeth may cause sinus problems. The eruption of this set may result in pain and congestion in a person’s sinus. This irritation may affect one’s day-to-day routine and maybe one of the causes of a drop in work productivity.

Why Keep Your Wisdom Teeth?

On the other hand, not everyone may need wisdom teeth removal. These are the reasons dental surgery is unnecessary: a fully emerged wisdom tooth, it doesn’t affect dental health in any way, a person can clean it properly and regularly, and it is in the right position and doesn’t cause misalignment.

It is important to consult with your dentist when your wisdom teeth begin to erupt. Partially erupted or a wisdom tooth that failed to emerge from the gums create all sorts of dental problems already mentioned above. You may need tooth removal surgery if the pain, cavities, cysts and others are too much to handle. If it is manageable, you can bypass this procedure and take pain relievers (upon your physician’s recommendation) instead.


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