What can your dentist do for you?

dentist with a patient

For many people the only connotations connected with the word ‘dentist’ are those of surgical rooms and discomfort, but there are plenty of amazing things your dentist can do for you which you might not be aware of. Dentists aren’t what they used to be. So many practices now come with state-of-the-art facilities, and offer multiple treatments that go far beyond fillings and extractions. So what can your dentist do? Let us take a look.

General dentistry

The most obvious are what we’re all expecting, check-ups, fillings, crowns, bridges, root canals and extractions. All these procedures should be able to be done by your dentist in Nottingham with no worries at all. Any one of these treatments, though can seem really troublesome at the time, should be routine and no concern to your dentist and having one little filling sooner rather than later can make a real difference to your oral health long term.

Cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry involves anything that your dentist performs to help the appearance of your teeth. These treatments used to be saved for the select few who could afford them, but the world has opened up and now lots of dentists are finally able to offer cosmetic dentistry procedures such as whitening, onlays, veneers and white fillings for really affordable prices. Some are even able to offer interest-free finance options so you aren’t splurging all your savings at once.

dental implants

Dental implants

Dental implants are now world leading in the replacement of natural teeth and luckily more and more registered dentists are able to offer them as part of their practice. Unlike other teeth replacement systems they are designed to work as your natural teeth, with no need for removal when sleeping or eating.

Preventive dentistry

As you are probably aware, most dental issues are caused by poor oral health and hygiene, and can often be avoided if teeth are correctly cleaned. A lot of dentists are now supported by dental hygienists who are specially trained in oral hygiene. They can help patients design an oral health routine that works with them, but also can offer deep scale and polish treatments to help assist in ridding the gums of any early signs of gum disease.

Facial aesthetics

With the dawn of social media truly upon us more and more of us are opting for a little facial aesthetic work to help make beautiful faces photo finished.  Anti-wrinkle treatments, lip and face fillers, facial slimming and non-surgical neck lifts are readily available at lots of dental practices now, with specialist teams designated to help patients not only feel amazing about their smile, but also amazing about their faces.

Where to find the right dentist for you

If you’re thinking you want a dentist that offers more than what you currently have, you need to  shop around. Read reviews, have a google, talk to your friends and family. There’s always an opportunity to move dentists if you don’t feel you’re getting the most out of your current one.

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