Aging in Place: How Seniors Can Live the Rest of Their Lives at Home

seniors dancing in a living room

The number of seniors is increasing in the US, and experts believe that these numbers won’t go down anytime soon. This is problematic for many families, as most don’t know how to take care of the aged in their homes. However, with enough knowledge, some skill, and a few investments, you should be able to create a great living space for your senior in your home.

The number of seniors is drastically increasing in the US. It has increased by 36% in the last decade, resulting in about 14 million seniors in the country. This is problematic for the current healthcare system as the industry wasn’t prepared for this severe increase. Moreover, this is also a problem for many families who aren’t entirely sure how they can take care of the aged in their homes.

Where Do Seniors Stay?

About 1.4 million seniors are currently staying in nursing homes. Most of these seniors are aged between 65 and 70 years old. However, a good fraction of the population is aged between 85 and 94 years of age, while very few are above 95 years old.

Many healthcare providers urge Americans to care for seniors in their homes, and seniors agree with them. A majority of those are reaching seniority claim that they’d rather live the rest of their lives at home with their family if they can. Healthcare providers state that seniors should only be sent to nursing homes if they are under severe medical conditions and can’t live the rest of their lives without proper medical care.

Seniors with dementia and other mental illnesses and disabilities are supposedly the only ones in nursing homes. Moreover, after their recovery, they should be given a chance to stay in their homes. Healthcare providers that this makes senior care cheaper for families and gives more room for those who need it.

But how do we prepare for seniors who are planning to age in place?

Get Help From an Organization

Many families shouldn’t shoulder everything when it comes to senior care. There are many organizations that can help in this regard.

First, consider contacting your senior’s insurance providers if they have senior care under their policies. This should drastically lessen the load off your shoulders. Secondly, contact non-profit organizations and see whether they can offer you discounts for medicines and other forms of care. Here are a couple of NGOs you should try contacting:

  • Honor Flight Network and National Veteran’s Association for seniors that served our country
  • Alzheimer’s Association for seniors who are experiencing dementia

Home Care

If you’re a busy individual or have an active family, you might have to hire some extra help. A home care aide should keep an eye out for the seniors living in your home. They can also provide the necessary medicine they need and prepare the meals for the day.

Home care can make a difference in your senior’s daily life. You can’t be there for them all the time so hire someone who can watch over them when you’re not around. If you’re struggling to hire one due to financial responsibilities, consider contacting NGOs to help you out. Furthermore, some government programs should also be able to help you.

Home Renovations

Home renovations are essential if your senior choose to age in place. You’re going to need some railings and grab bars around your home. You’re also going to need to invest in a couple of other things, such as a slip-resistant bed rail to ensure that your senior won’t accidentally slip when traversing your home.

Slips can be dangerous for those that have reached a certain age. They can easily break their back or their ankle because of such accidents. If you proactively prepare for such accidents in your home, you can ensure that your senior stays healthy and can traverse your home without any aid. Moreover, it can drastically reduce medical costs.

Social Support

Lastly, it’s important that your senior gets the social support they need. Thankfully, most social support for seniors is free. Support groups can be found in churches, medical centers, and schools. These support groups should give your senior a place to visit to interact with others in the community on the weekend. Moreover, some children and teenagers might be interested in keeping your senior accompany when you’re not at home.

Senior care is vital to us, and we mustn’t send our seniors to nursing homes unless they need it. Preparing your home and your budget for aging in place can make a difference in your senior’s lives.

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