Seemingly Innocent Habits That Ruin Your Mental Health

man feeling stressed out

Many of us are working hard to quit bad habits and make a better version of ourselves. Some do this by quitting their vices, trying to maintain a positive outlook in life, and making better choices. But did you know that not everything that you think is good can be actually good for your mental health?

Our mental health determines how we make decisions, deal with stress, and connect with others. It has a direct impact on our emotions, thoughts, and behavior. Failure to care of your mental health can lead to bad decisions, negative feelings, poor relationships with others, and even serious health complications. If you are guilty of the following habits, then you could be unknowingly putting your mental health at risk.

Thinking oral health is all about looks

What do teeth have to do with one’s mental health? Having a good set of pearly whites make you look good and feel good. Cavities and other teeth problems can affect your physical health. But toothache and crooked teeth are not the only things one needs to worry about if one fails to take good care of their teeth. Even poor oral health can directly impact one’s mental health.

There are many reasons why people go to their trusted dental professionals. Most crave orthodontics care since having a nice set of teeth helps boost their confidence. If you look and feel good, you will have more confidence to face what life has to throw at you head-on.

woman sleeping in bed

Sleeping too much

According to the CDC, more than one-third of Americans are sleep-deprived. This is why most of us would jump at the opportunity to catch up with some precious sleep. Some will sleep in after a long day at work. With the pandemic going on, many of us are taking advantage of longer sleep hours. But then, when did oversleep become an issue?

Adults who sleep more than nine hours each night are often at risk for poor heart health. Also, sleeping too much is often connected to poor mental health. This is why people who are depressed like sleeping so much but they still feel tired and fatigued after many hours of sleep. Remember that indulging anything in excess, even those that are good for you can hurt your mental health.

Putting others’ desires and happiness ahead of yours

Many people, especially parents and those in a relationship often put their loved one’s needs and happiness first. We learn codependency from past generations that we continue to practice up until now. It may be a good habit as one can feel satisfied knowing their loved ones are happy. But this often leads to poor mental health.

When you always think of others instead of yourself, it is easy to deprive yourself of the things you both want and need. Being of too much service to others takes away precious resources like time, energy, and money. Such resources are essential in fulfilling your own needs and in achieving your life goals. Remember that taking care of yourself is not being selfish.

This list only goes to show that not all things that we think are right are actually good for our mental health. If we take good care of our mental health, we will feel happier, satisfied, and fulfilled. So, make sure you rethink your habits and see which ones are doing more harm than good.


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