How to Keep Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome at Bay

stomach pain

Are you taking way too many trips to the bathroom lately? Has your tummy been making you twist and coil? Then it must be irritable bowel syndrome brought about by unusual food intake or abnormal movements in your gastrointestinal tract, causing constipation, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.

Before following these pointers, make sure it’s not something else entirely. It might already be IBD or inflammatory bowel disease. If you need more information about IBD treatments in Salt Lake City, consult an expert. Here’s what might be causing your IBS:

Bad for you: deep-fried and fatty foods

The fact that most American foods can be a combination of corndogs, French fries, and cheese sticks makes your bowel problems worse.

This is because frying the food changes the composition of the food and turns it into an oily snack, making it more difficult to digest. Moreover, fried dishes often have much fat and are low in fiber, which is supposed to help ease IBS.

Coffee and carbonated drinks

Most people love coffee, but those should include people struggling with IBS. The caffeine in most coffee products jump-starts the guts to function faster, causing a spike in gut motility and triggering diarrhea and stomachaches. Caffeine can also increase heart rate, which then amplifies the body’s stress response and sets off the symptoms. The same goes for sodas and carbonated drinks.

Artificially sweetened desserts


Sugar substitutes or artificial sweeteners found in sugar-free gum, candies, and are also a common culprit in activating the symptoms of IBS.

How? These items replace sugar with artificial ingredients like aspartame, sorbitol, sucralose, and acesulfame potassium, components that are hard for the stomach to break down and absorb.

Different kinds of dairy goods

As it turns out, about one out of three people struggling with IBS are also lactose intolerant or are unable to digest lactose, which is found in most dairy products.

However, dairy can be part of your diet. Soy-based milk or cheese, for example, can still be eaten without activating either IBS or lactose intolerance.

Good for you: protein-packed meals

You can keep enjoying your lean meats like poultry and fish while experiencing symptoms of IBS, as protein is an easily digestible nutrient and is not fermentable by the bacteria in our stomach. If you’re exploring alternatives to protein such as whey powder, make sure it’s lactose-free and that you only take it moderately, about 25 grams a day. You can also get your protein from eggs and soy-based products.

When fiber is favorable

Fiber is often a confusing component when easing IBS, because people have different tolerance to, and sources of fiber. The key is knowing whether your body needs soluble or insoluble fiber to decrease the symptoms of IBS. Soluble fiber attracts water and makes your stool pass faster, aiding in diarrhea. Whole grains, barley, and common fruits carry this nutrient.

On the other hand, insoluble fiber, which is found in broccoli, zucchini, cabbage, and most leafy greens, is hydrophobic, which means it stays intact as it passes through your digestive system, aiding in constipation.

Even today, the inherent causes of IBS remain evasive. The best thing that you can do is to be more conscious about what you eat and keep in touch with a doctor.


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