Does Exercise Affect Skin Health?

exercise - people using stationary bike

Many people want to have healthy and glowing skin because it makes them look and feel younger. However, this is difficult to maintain as we age. Aging is a significant factor that affects a person’s skin health. But it is possible to reduce the adverse effects of aging to skin, two of which include using holistic glutathione and the other is regular exercise. Here are some of the ways that proper and regular exercise could affect skin health.

The Post-Workout Glow

When a person’s heart rate rises, their blood vessels expand and pump more blood to different parts of the body. This benefits your skin because more nutrients and oxygen circulate. You’ll have that post-workout glow that makes you look younger and better.

Improvement on a Cellular Level

Cells contain mitochondria which act as an engine for the entire body. These create ATP which fuels the functions of cells. A cell needs this to repair skin damage which also, in turn, keeps skin looking and feeling young. As a person ages, the mitochondria begins to reduce its production of ATP.

But regular exercise can reverse the negative effects of aging on the skin. Some studies have shown that athletes have younger-looking skin compared to people who belong to the same age group.

Boosts the Body’s Repair Mechanisms

When you lift weights and do intense training, your muscles experience micro-tears. This leads to temporary soreness, but also makes fibers in the flesh to rebuild. One of the positive effects on skin health is that it neutralizes inflammation when anti-inflammatory proteins are released. Inflammation is one of the leading causes of skin aging, and may also trigger eczema and acne. Proper and regular cardiovascular and resistance training are programs you might want to consider for better skin health.

Removes Toxic Substances

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You have to view skin health holistically because your diet and lifestyle will either make you look old or young. Regular exercise is an integral part of your “skin routine” along with other treatments, or products you apply and eating the right way. Resistance, cardio and strength training improves circulation and moves toxic substances and free radicals away from the body. An intense workout could bump your heart rate up to get the results you want.

Better Sleep and Less Stress

One of the positive indirect effects of regular exercise is better sleep. People feel “happy” after working out this is a product of the release of endorphins. These hormones make you feel good, but it is not the only thing they do. They also communicate with your skin; the latter has endorphin receptors. Exercise also reduces stress which makes you feel young and energized. Better sleep and lower stress levels keep your skin healthy.

Tips for Sensitive Skin

Exercise is beneficial for skin health; however, if you have eczema, acne and other similar problems, it is important to shower or at least wash up after a workout. Sweat has a cooling effect on the skin, but it could also allow bacteria to stay on your skin, whether it’s on your face or body. Leaving sweat on your skin may increase the possibility of acne breakouts, irritations, rashes or itchiness.

These are some of the ways exercising has a positive effect on skin health. Consult with your trainer to create the ideal program for you.

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