How Gaining Weight Affects Your Body and Health Risks

Gaining weight affects more than just your appearance; it has profound impacts on your internal health. As excess weight accumulates, particularly around your organs, it leads to an increase in visceral fat. This type of fat disrupts your metabolism and hormone function, which can slow down digestion and make weight gain more rapid. The presence of visceral fat also contributes to insulin resistance, raising the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

In addition to these metabolic effects, excess weight puts extra strain on your cardiovascular system. As your body size increases, your heart must work harder to circulate blood throughout your body, which can elevate blood pressure.

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This heightened blood pressure not only increases your risk of stroke but can also contribute to other serious health issues.

Fat stored around the neck area can compress the airway, leading to breathing difficulties and a condition known as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can further exacerbate health risks by increasing the likelihood of high blood pressure, heart problems, type 2 diabetes, and even premature death.

Moreover, carrying extra weight places additional pressure on your joints, heightening the risk of osteoarthritis. This joint damage can significantly affect mobility and overall quality of life.

For those struggling with excess weight, consulting a weight loss doctor can provide valuable guidance. A weight loss doctor can help devise a tailored plan to address both the physical and metabolic consequences of weight gain. Effective strategies often include dietary changes, such as increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables and opting for lean proteins.

Losing even a small amount of weight—around 5 percent of your body weight—can significantly reduce health risks associated with obesity. Seeking advice from a weight loss doctor and implementing these dietary adjustments can help improve overall health and mitigate the risks linked to excess weight.


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